Two Person Scramble Results

Two Person Scramble Results


First gross with a score of 62, Bill Hults and B.J. Hults

Second gross with a score of 65, Kim Cushing and Jerry Reedy.

First net with a score of 65, John Flynn and Chuck McGarry.

Second net with a score of 65, Dan Day and Brian Escandon.

Third net with a score of 66, Mike Brown and Rod Abbott.



First gross with a score of 71 Joe Gurzi and Matt Olmstead

Second gross with a score of 72, Justin and Zach Soberanes.

First net with a score of 64, Tom Hayes and Ted Bryan.

Second net with a score of 67, Rob Lee and Trevor Kimler.

Third net with a score of 67, Bill Morgan and Evan Mostowa.


Mixed Flight

First gross with a score of 77, Dave and Pam Soberanes.

Second gross with a score of 78, Andrew Powell and Dawn Grinager.

First net with a score of 69, Jessica McMahon and Mike Modrich.

Second net with a score of 72, Huey Hults and Ramona Modrich.


Closest to the pins


#2, Gauge Meadows.

#7, Dan Day.

#11, Fred Hults.

#16, Brian Escandon



#2, Ted Bryan.

#7, Trevor Kimler.

#11, Trevor Kimler.

#16, Evan Mostowa.



#2, Dawn Grinager.

#11, Dawn Grinager.


We want to thank the 62 players who came out and braved a very cold Saturday to compete in the 2020 November 28th Two Person Scramble.