Men’s Tuesday and Wednesday Twilight League Results Week 1 of 5

Men’s Tuesday and Wednesday Twilight League Results Week 1 of 5

Tuesday Night

Low gross with a score of 37, Ed Rick Vischer.

Low net with a score of 28, Curt Collins.

Low putts tie with 13, Rick Vischer and Chuck McGarry.

K.P. #2, Brian Escandon

K.P. #7, Bill Lomax.

Long drive, Frank Escandon.

Senior long drive, Frank Escandon.

Greens in regulation with 7, Frank Escandon.


Wednesday Night

Low gross with a score of 38, Rob Richey.

Low net with a score of 29, Rodney Degener.

Low putts tie with 14, James Myers, Bill Morgan and Troy Montgomery.

K.P. #2, Mike LaRue.

K.P. #7, Josh Ogle.

Long drive, Armon Strack.

Senior long drive, Armon Strack.

Greens in regulation with 5, Armon Strack.