2022 Club Championship Results

2022 Club Championship Results

Low over all tournament gross score is Bob Wood who will be representing Applegate River Golf Club in the Tournament of Champions in the senior division. Bob Wood had a 36 hole gross score of 145. Congratulations Bob Wood.

Low gross for Champions flight and will also represent Applegate River Golf Club at the Tournament of Champions is John Flynn with a 36 hole score of 146. Congratulations John Flynn.

3rd gross Troy Brown with a score of 150.

1st net with a score of 121, Corey Goade.

2nd net with a score of 131, Ed Borgnino.

3rd net with a score of 131, Mike LaRue.


Apple Peel horse race results.

1st place, Mike LaRue.

2nd place, Adam Mechelke.

3rd place Ed Borgnino.


Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to our winners.